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Recruiter (Entry Level) - (West Palm Beach, FL)

Overview Founded in 2001, Barton Associates has become 1 of the fastest growing companies in the Healthcare Recruiting and Staffing industry. Progress of that magnitude is thanks in part to Barton’s commitment in building both a strong sales and management program that promotes limitless growth in both income and position openings. 1st and foremost, Barton Associates is a healthcare recruiting and staffing company. 2nd, we are a training organization. We take pride in our philosophy of providing world-class training which acts as a backbone for our teammates’ growth and success. Barton Associates is seeking the market’s best and brightest entry-level talent. We hire motivated individuals and provide them with a platform where their hard work can lead to rapid income and career growth. The Recruiter represents the provider-facing side of Barton’s sales team.


Posted in West Palm Beach, FL, Human Resources
From Adzuna - 1 month ago