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Video Editor/Graphic Designer - (White Plains, NY)

Provides Production and Post-Production support for Creative Services/Marketing department Edit commercials, sizzle reels, promos, web & social media Content for all USTA departments including, but not limited to, Marketing, Partner Sponsorship, Digital Platforms, Corporate Communications, Youth Tennis, US Open & US Open Series, Davis & Fed Cup, Community and Pro Tennis. Scope of work includes interaction with clients from pre-production discussion through final delivery of videos. Design and create animations and video graphics for use on various internal and external projects, platforms and playback sources. Act as Lead DP on video shoots including use of camera, lighting, audio and other equipment as needed. Assist with asset organization including ingesting videotape or digital files to archival server in a thorough and organized manner using CATDV video database when necessary. Handle footage and file transfers for various USTA internal departments and occasional external clients as needed.


Posted in White Plains, NY, TV & film
From Adzuna - 1 month ago