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Legal Assistant/Paralegal - (Rock Falls, IL)

Our firm seeks an experienced, motivated legal assistant or paralegal to join our team. Assignments include: Processing incoming cases and setting up new matters (e.g., document review and management, scheduling deadlines and follow-ups, etc.) Communicate with clients, lawyers, administrative staff and other contacts Assist with drafting and review of legal documents Proactively monitor case workflow and client file status reports and related deadlines Serve as contact on assigned case files Compile and file documents electronically and in-person Capabilities required: Expertise to think critically and find solutions to problems Desire to learn and develop personally and professionally Effectively interact with personnel, management and administrative support Proactively engage detailed work within a larger context Exercise professional communication abilities Embrace new processes to meet changing demands of practice Respond appropriately to shifting demands and opportunities Plan


Posted in Rock Falls, IL, Legal
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago