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Certified Veterinary Technician - (Lone Tree, CO)

At Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center we believe that all pets deserve to have a good life We are a growing, fast-paced, seven doctor practice, looking for a talented Certified Veterinary Technician or technician with background. We are a general practice offering a full range of veterinary services, boarding, grooming and training. Please see our website, www.lonetreevet.com, for a full description of all the services we offer. Our practice values your skills and it is important to us to help you continue to grow and develop these skills. Technicians at Lone Tree are responsible for, but not limited to: venipuncture, catheter placement, radiology, assistance with physical exams and patient assessment, anesthesia monitoring and induction, surgical preparation and scrub nurse, patient recovery, dentistry, dental radiographs, laboratory work, pharmacy, and compassionate care for our hospitalized patients.


Posted in Lone Tree, CO, Medical & Healthcare
From Adzuna - 1 month ago