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Behavioral Health LCSW (Healthy Minds/Healthy Kids Program) - (Doylestown, PA)

Required ID:22862 Shift: Any Employment Status:AF : Active : Regular : Full-time Job description 13; Provide professional mental health treatment to patients and families in the context of an integrated primary care service, utilizing recognized best practice interventions. These core services include assessment of psychosocial functioning and capacities, expertise to complete a mental status examination, expertise to diagnose mental health condition and provide treatment recommendations for a variety of presenting concerns. Collaborate with many disciplines, programs, departments, and organizations in the accomplishment of these duties. LOCATION: Central Bucks and Newtown Care Network sites. 13; Job qualifications 13; Professional Practice Assesses, plans, implements professional interventions based upon knowledge of social work practice, human behavior and the social environment, as well as child and family development and functioning.


Posted in Doylestown, PA, Human Resources
From Tip Top Job - 1 month ago