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Police Officer - (North Ridgeville, OH)

Police Officer CITY OF SOLON POLICE OFFICER CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION The City of Solon will be establishing a list of applicants for the position of Police Officer for the Solon Police Department. Testing for this position will include a written examination given by Ramsey and Associates on Tuesday, February 19, 2019 at the Solon Community Center, 6:00 p.m. and a physical agility examination conducted by members of the Solon Police Department on a date to be determined. The Solon Civil Service Commission will establish a certified list of police officer applicants based on the results of both portions of the examination. Only those who achieve a passing score of 70% or above on the written examination will move on to the physical agility test. Bonus credit for Military Service (10%), OPOTA Certification (5%), and College Education (2% for Associates) (4% for Bachelors) will be given to those who pass with documented proof supplied at time of filing of application.


Posted in North Ridgeville, OH, Security
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago