AT and T Retail Sales Associate : Entry Level - (Miami, FL)
Position details Entry Level Opportunity for College Grads, Career Growth and Upward Mobility, Competitive, Team Atmosphere Del:Tex Elite is hiring for a full:time Entry Level Customer service sales representative. Our Customer Service positions are face to face (we are NOT a call center) with our clients. Customer service in person is by far much more effective and the clients LOVE IT Management and growth is our main focus, as customer service is a tool for growth. This position is full-time and involves responsibilities in: :Entry level sales and marketing customer service :Entry:level management training: customer service :Sales and marketing presentations: customer service :Face to face sales and marketing of new services for our clients :Sales and marketing techniques :Training current sales and marketing reps in customer service Del:Tex Elite cross:trains all employees within leadership development which includes: Interviewing :Sales and marketing training fundamentals :Team building and mentoring
From Tip Top Job - 1 month ago