Customer Service and Sales Representative : ATHLETES WANTED - (Dearborn, MI)
Position summary If your answer to these questions is YES :::We want to meet you Send us your resume so we can contact you ASAP to set up your interview 1) Are you looking for an opportunity to stop doing a job and start working toward a career? 2) Do you want to have fun while making great money and never be bored at work ever again? 3) Do you want to work in an environment that is high:energy, growing, and focused on growth and expansion both personally and professionally? We are currently hiring for our Customer Service and Sales Representative Position. Dont worry about having experience; we arent looking for any. We are looking for the right person that has an awesome personality that we can train from the ground up Think you have what it takes to grow into a Management position? LETS DO IT Eclipse Marketing Inc. is a premiere, privately owned and operated sales and marketing firm based in Dearborn, MI. We are a marketing firm that specializes in sales and client acquisition.
From Tip Top Job - 1 month ago