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Temporary Substitute Teacher - (Brighton, VT)

Summary TEMPORARY SUBSTITUTE TEACHER: NEKCA Head Start is seeking a Temporary Substitute Teacher to work twenty hrs/wk to the end of the school year (approximately.. seventeen weeks) in our Island Pond center. The deadline for applications: open until filled. To apply send a introductory letter, resume and three references. Duties Participate in carrying out classroom routines and activities in compliance with HS Performance Standards, Content Area Plans, Vermont Child Care Licensing Regulations and the NAEYC Code of Professional and Ethical Conduct Join children in all settings, observing and engaging them in conversations at eye level to extend and deepen childrens learning Attend to the personal care needs of all children in the center Participate in trainings only as required Assist in maintenance, housekeeping and cleanliness of classroom, playground and common areas Qualifications Min Qualifications Include: Work efficiently as a team player Maintain confidentiality


Posted in Brighton, VT, Education
From acquire4hire - 1 month ago