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Safety and Training Coordinator : Electrical - (Hazleton, PA)

Job details Oversee and implement Company safety policy and procedures in compliance with OSHA and all safety coordinator job assignments and essential duties. Cultivate and foster a safety:1st company culture. I. Duties and Responsibilities Essential to the Job : including the following and any other duties that may be assigned as needed: :Oversee, administer and improve Company safety program, including but not limited to the Company safety manual. :Conduct routine jobsite safety inspections identify and remediate potentially unsafe conditions, make recommendations for improvement to workplace safety conditions. Provide detailed reports and maintain associated paperwork. :Conduct jobsite accident investigations, root cause analysis and complete paperwork and follow:through timely and thoroughly. Work with human resources for the timely and accurate processing of workers compensation claims.


Posted in Hazleton, PA, Education
From Tip Top Job - 1 month ago