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ITD Messaging Engineer I - (Beachwood, OH)

Job overview: Develops, integrates and supports corporate Messaging technology system and mobility. Provides 1st level support and ensures the Messaging technology system operates properly. Assists in the development and integration of new products and services into the environment. Responsibilities:* Provides 24/7 support of Messaging technology system applications and mobile devices.* Ensures Messaging technology system is operating properly on a daily basis.* Ensures email accounts are secure and that valuable or sensitive data is protected.* Assists with or manages projects associated with designated Messaging technology. Education:* Associate's degree in Details Technology or related position.* A High-school certificate or GED and an additional two years of background may offset the degree requirement. Certifications:* None required.


Posted in Beachwood, OH, Architecture & Engineering
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago