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Professional Caregivers, - Hiring Now - Competitive Pay! - (Gray, ME)

HOME CARE ASSISTANCE - Part time, Temporary Home Care Assistance is looking for a awesome professional caregivers for Monday through Friday from 3:30 to 8:00 p.m. and 2 overnights per month for our Portland client. Great opportunity to make a difference. Background transferring clients from bed to wheel chair and back again is a plus. Home Care Assistance of Southern Maine, we recognize that to be a great home care company, we must have GREAT employees. Our mission is to Change the Way the World Ages . We pride ourselves in going beyond the basics of home care with our exclusive Balanced Care Method--- . We are looking for a Professional Caregivers / CNA's / PSS who have the following QUALITIES : A cheerful and compassionate heart for seniors, Is reliable, on time and honest, Enthusiastic!!


Posted in Gray, ME, Administrative & Office
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago