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Front Desk Person - (Reno, NV)

Fitness For ten is now accepting applications for a motivated person to fill a part time front desk position. We are currently looking for weekday opener (early mornings) and a weekday day person (12pm-5pm). Must have a flexible schedule, reliable transportation and able to work alone. Position Information: Cleaning, Answering Phones, Touring Guests, Selling Memberships, Computer Input, etc. If you are interested please respond to this ad with your resume or print an application from our web site(http://www.fitnessfor10.com/pdf/employment_app.pdf) and deliver to 100 N. Sierra St. Reno, NV 89501. If availability is not listed, you will not be considered for this position.


Posted in Reno, NV, Administrative & Office
From BarefootStudent - 1 month ago