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Nursing Supervisor (Nursing Administrator #) - (Conroe, TX)

Nurse Manager opening in Conroe, Texas. Company Introduction As a nurse with Correct Care Solutions (CCS), you will have the opportunity to practice patient care the way you've always wanted. Our nurses enjoy aggressive compensation and benefits in an autonomous though supportive workplace environment. Numerous growth opportunities are available to our nurses while feeling that they are continually using their nursing skills and abilities. As a CCS Nurse, you'll treat patients who typically go without access to health care. For patients that reside in a corrections or psychiatric hospital environment, the friendly, compassionate and nonjudgmental interaction that you provide can be a highlight in their day. If your passion is to make a difference, join CCS today. Overview Our Nurse Supervisor is a registered Professional Nurse.


Posted in Conroe, TX, Administrative & Office
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago