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Malware Cyber Security Researcher - (Idaho Falls, ID)

Job summary Position title: Malware Cyber Security ResearcherGrade: 210/220 Org: Cyber Security R&D Contact: Joshua.Fullmerinl.gov Work Location: Idaho Falls, ID This is a multi-level posting Mission/Vision Statement Securing the Nation Bit by Byte and Addressing the Threats of Tomorrow, Today Mission: Discover, demonstrate and secure innovative nuclear energy solutions, other clean energy options and critical infrastructure. Vision: INL will change the world's energy future and secure our critical infrastructure. Responsibilities Idaho National Laboratory (INL) is seeking a Malware and Cyber Security Research Engineer. In this role, the incumbent analyzes (reverse engineer) anomalous / malicious software. Determines mitigation techniques, works with others to provide assistance and technical solutions for defensive resolution. Determines, assists others in determining incident response actions.


Posted in Idaho Falls, ID, Science & Research
From Adzuna - 1 month ago