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Trainer - Customer Care - (Ankeny, IA)

**Job overview:**This position is responsible for initial job training and ongoing training for the Customer Care department. This role is charged with developing and implementing an annual training plan, training materials, and training processes and procedures.* Develops and delivers call center training to ensure successful attainment of department goals and objectives* Monitors individual and team dynamics and to identify opportunities for ongoing training* Trains Customer Care team on work procedures, work schedules, and process improvement initiatives* Develop training in a variety of models, including, but not limited to, classroom-style lectures, videos, e-learning, focus groups & desk aids* Conduct training programs for new hires, along with refresher training for current employees to ensure skills are kept up-to-date* Creates and maintains training course content, manuals, and other training materials* Creates, implements


Posted in Ankeny, IA, Education
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago