Purchasing Technician - Temporary - (Stockton, CA)
Thisrecruitment is conducted to filltwo temporary positions in the San Joaquin General Hospital Purchasing-Warehouse department. Thistemporary assignment is projected to be through October although it may be extended based upon the department's operational needs.This position will be working approx 40 hours per week and will include working nights and weekends. ExperiencewithERP systems is preferred. Depending upon the number of applications received, the most applicants who are qualified will be referred to the department for hiring consideration. Resumes will not be accepted in lieu of an application. A completed application must be postmarked or received on-line by the final filing deadline. NOTE: All correspondences relating to this recruitment will be delivered via e-mail. The e-mail account used will be the 1 provided on your employment application during time of submittal. Please be sure to check your e-mail often for updates.
From Adzuna - 1 month ago