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SAP Solution Architect with SD/MM/OTC_Long-term_Kalamazoo,MI - Arminus Software - (Kalamazoo, MI)

Position title SAP Solution Architect with SDMMOTC Location Kalamazoo, MI Job classification Long term Position overview people who have 12-fourteen years of background in more than 1 SAP module (SD-MM-FI) , are willing to settle down in Kalamazoo locally, and have had background working as SAP architects, or across multiple modules in decision making roles. Following keyword combinations are desirable 1) SD, OTC, Kit, Consignment, Components, returns, MM 2) Intercompany billing, contracts, R2R, SD, OTC, accounting, revenue recognition, FICO, RAR 3) Service contracts, warranty, functional locations, equipment, factory service, returns Thanks Regards SUNIT


Posted in Kalamazoo, MI, IT & software development
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago