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Sales Development Representative - (Highland, MI)

Sales Development Representative Every employee with the Feldman Automotive Group is absolutely critical to its success. That's why we are the fastest growing Chevy Dealer in the Metro Detroit area with eight dealerships operating all across Michigan! Due to our rapid growth, we are in need of consultants to keep up with demand in this fast-paced and exciting environment! Feldman Chevrolet of Highland was recently awarded Chevrolet Dealer of the year for 2018! We understand that happy employees make happy customers, and we are looking for applicants who are motivated to achieve life changing goals and maximize their potential. Come join our team at Feldman Chevrolet of Highland!Core Values1. Honesty and Integrity2. Respectful3. Fanatical attention to detail4. Team Player5.


Posted in Highland, MI, Sales
From getitllc - 1 month ago