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Security Officer On Call (2825-183) - (Albuquerque, NM)

Job Corps' mission is to assist eligible youth to connect to the labor force by providing comprehensive and integrated academic, career technical, workforce preparation and independent living skills and support services leading to: Successful careers in in-demand industry sectors or occupations or the Armed Services that will result in economic self-sufficiency and opportunities for advancement; Enrollment in postsecondary education, including an apprenticeship program leading to longterm attachment to the labor force; and Responsible citizenship. Summary of Duties: Protects and ensures the welfare of students, staff, facilities, grounds and equipment. Assists drivers in transporting student to and from off-Center appointments and other destinations as assigned. Description of Duties: Key Areas of Responsibilities:* Ensures safety and security of students, staff and facilities: Makes physical inspections and security checks of grounds and facility. Reports fires and assists in suppressing fires.


Posted in Albuquerque, NM, Security
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago