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Sales INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENT : 20, 000 a month option - (Orlando, FL)

Position overview five Things that separate Family 1st Life from the rest of the industry 1. Competitive salary + Bonuses In the insurance industry, most companies will start you at 55 and cap you at 110 so they can keep more of your commissions. Here at FFL, we start our agents at 100 they can advance up to 140. FFL pays producer bonuses, agents can earn up to two additional commission on their annual production. 2. Exclusive Leads 1 of the biggest concerns for life insurance agents is the affordability and quality of leads. Most companies do not offer an exclusive lead program, and when they do the cost is too much for the agent to handle when getting started. Here at FFL we offer our agents extremely affordable exclusive leads so that they can begin cash:flowing immediately regardless of their financial situation at the time. Our leads are NEVER resold so you dont have to worry about competing with your peers. 3.


Posted in Orlando, FL, Sales
From Tip Top Job - 1 month ago