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Part Time Youth Counselor - (Bronx, NY)

POSITION TITLE: Youth Counselor LOCATION: Bronx, Yonkers, White Plains, Manhattan HOURS: 12:25 HOURS PER WEEK SUMMARY: The Youth Counselor will work as a team player to provide academic, recreation and social skills programming to the school age children/young adults DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Works as a team player to provide academic, recreational and social skills programming to the school age children/young adults in the Center. Provides direct services to the children/young adults in an after:school setting. Creates a group environment that promotes and expects positive behavioral norms. Helps create a safe:haven for neighborhood youth. Develops and implements age appropriate activities and programs. Documents monthly participation and outcomes; analyzes results and prepares recommendations. Participates in initial training, ongoing staff development and supervision. Maintains proper safety standards in regards to the health of participants in all programs.


Posted in Bronx, NY, Non-Profit
From Tip Top Job - 1 month ago