Experienced Pilates Instructor ($60 per hour) - (Old Greenwich, CT)
Responsibilities • Teaching one-on-one and small group pilates training sessions • Ongoing communication with other trainers and physical therapists as needed regarding clients • Dealing primarily with a therapeutic population • Designing an exercise program based on both PT prescription and your own judgment on the best program for the client • Participation in bi-weekly meeting with director of program to discuss complex client issues and any other concerns • AVAILABLE TO TEACH ON SATURDAYS Education • High-school diploma (or equivalent) • Bachelors level education • Certification program under a credentialed pilates training program with at least 400-600 hours training Requirements • Background in a therapeutic environment • CPR certified • Additional anatomy, kinematics, and biomechanics education • A deep understanding and background with a classical Pilates training approach • Additional training in a more education training approach such as Polestar or Kane School method
From ClearFit - 1 month ago