Receptionist Job - (Charlotte, NC)
Receptionist Contract to Hire Pay: $sixteen month-Fri 8am- 5pm South Charlotte Receptionis t: This person will represent the company in a professional manner while answering the phone, directing callers and greeting customers by performing the following duties. Responsibilities: Answer all incoming calls in a timely and professional manner. Route calls to the appropriate department or individual. Arrange Company Luncheons Assist callers with general questions. Greet and announce office visitors Retrieve and distribute messages from general delivery voicemail Receive, open, date stamp and distribute all US Mail. Post all outgoing US Mail. Replenish postage meter when funds are low. Maintain neat appearance of lobby, reception desk, kitchen and conference rooms Provide administrative support to various departments as needed Someone who is Motivated, Reliable and a Self Starter! Category Code: JN002
From The Job Spider - 1 month ago