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Greyhound Maintenance - Fleet Maintenance Service Lane Technician (19105) - (Richmond, VA)

Greyhound has been successfully serving the travel needs of millions of people for over 1 hundred years. With that history comes a sense of pride and responsibility that inspires our employees and spurs our continuous growth. Our team is currently seeking Service Lane Technicians to provide quality preventive maintenance and minor repairs on over-the-road buses specifically with diesel engines and coach related components. To qualify, you'll need a High-school degree; Degree in Automotive/Diesel Technology preferred. You should be able to utilize computer systems to diagnose vehicle systems, and must be familiar with the machines and tools that are essential to the job function. Our Service Lane Technicians are responsible for practicing safe work habits and for maintaining a clean and safe work place environment. Valid Driver's License required. Commercial Driver's License with Passenger Endorsement a plus! Bring your skills to the Greyhound team and make your mark with a company that's making history!


Posted in Richmond, VA, Construction & Trades
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago