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Production Lead - (Oshkosh, WI)

If Excellence Drives You, This Is Your Destination.Job details Coordinate and oversee the tactical items (audits/quality complaints/training/etc.) of a manufacturing department according to established procedures, standards and customer qualifications. This role will typically exist in large, complex departments of greater than 125 hourly employees and multiple product processes. WHAT YOU GET TO DO * Acts as a safety leader and puts safety 1st in all responsibilities. Works in conjunction with the Department Manager to establish and maintain all policies and programs to assure a safe workplace atmosphere. * Ensures customer complaints are investigated; corrective actions are implemented and evaluated for effectiveness according to established standards. This includes staff involvement and communication of the issues to crews. * Provide quality trending info to the Department Manager for any improvement initiatives required. * Support internal quality feedback program in department with the shift supervisors.


Posted in Oshkosh, WI, Manufacturing
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago