Family Medicine opening in OH - (Sidney, OH)
Family Practice-Without OB opening in Sidney, Ohio. This and other physician jobs brought to you by **Family Medicine opening near Dayton, OH** * Located in ***Sidney, OH*** - just 35 mis from Dayton! * Service area of 50,000 people * Full time, permanent opening * Employed position * Joining an established Family Practice team * Recruiting due to community need * Aggressive compensation and benefits! Hospital employs over 30 providers in specialties of family practice, internal medicine, pediatrics, OB/GYN, endocrinology, and ENT. They are growing their family practice team as the recent Medical Staff Development Plan showed that the population to physician ratios, outmigration, and physician life cycles of our current medical staff indicate a clear need for more family practitioners in the service area. This is a hospital-employed position with a salary, incentive plan, benefits, signing bonus, and relocation allocation.
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago