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Family Medicine opening in FL - (Venice, FL)

Family Practice-Without OB opening in Venice, Florida. This and other physician jobs brought to you by DocCafe.com Family Medicine opening in Venice, FL 50 mis from Fort Myers, FL Full time, permanent Employed position Hospital is a 312-bed, regional healthcare system that provides a comprehensive array of medical services to the greater Venice area. Situated on the Gulf of Mexico, Venice is known for its friendly, small-town feel, its charming downtown shopping area and its elegant boulevards shaded by giant oaks. Business, culture and natural beauty all coexist peacefully in this region of the Gulf Coast, where the beaches and blue skies stretch for miles. A central park along Venice's main street is the site of regular concerts, arts and crafts shows, and special events, while numerous other gardens, green spaces and nature trails can be found throughout this charming community.


Posted in Venice, FL, Medical & Healthcare
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago