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Research and Development Actuary - (Hamilton, OH)

The Actuarial Financial Reporting department is currently seeking a Research and Development Actuary. Responsibilities: Support the Actuarial Financial Reporting department through research and development in order to create long term value for the company. Examples include: Development of educational tools to aid in executive managements decision-making. Research of regulatory pronouncements including FASB standards and statutory regulations. Research and development of various valuation methodologies. Collaboration with line-of-business valuation owners to enhance various analytics including sensitivities, rules of thumb and the sources of earnings presentation. Development and maintenance of the sensitivities and scenarios register. Inforce research including existing and potential reinsurance. Research of continuing process improvement to increase time for strategic activities. Active participation in the development of the AFRs objectives. Requirements: Must have a FSA, FIA or FCIA.


Posted in Hamilton, OH, Business & Management
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago