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Production Supervisor Chrome Plating in Stockdale - (Stockdale, TX)

Production Supervisor Chrome Plating - ICP Industries, Inc. Job overview Company DescriptionICP Industries was formed by Archie Reeves in 1966 after changing business namesmultiple times in the 1960s since his original purchase in 1963. Colonel Archie Reevespurchased the plant in 1963 after the previous owner lost his contract with the aircraftindustry and moved the company strategy to chrome plate the power cylinders for therailroad engines. In 1990 Colonel Archie Reeves passed away and Gary Smith becamepresident. Under Gary's leadership, ICP Industries has moved to power cylinders fornatural gas combustible engines. Why You Should Work With Us We are a great place to work for people eager to work in manufacturing. We need people who have a strong work ethic, are willing to learn new skills, have excellent attention to detail and want to get as much done in a day as possible. This is a family-oriented company and our ideal applicants mesh with this culture. Positions Available


Posted in Stockdale, TX, Manufacturing
From American Listed - 1 month ago