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Plaintiff-Based Employment Litigation Associate Attorney - (Sherman Oaks, CA)

Sherman Oaks office of our client seeks associate attorney with 1-4yrs of plaintiff-based employment litigation background. The applicant should preferably have background in employment litigation. This firm is located in Sherman Oaks, California. This firm offers its services in the following areas: personal injury; business litigation; and employment law, including wrongful termination, discrimination, severance agreements, gender discrimination, race discrimination, age discrimination, meal and rest break violations, pregnancy protection laws, car accidents, slip and falls, fraud, defamation, unfair business practices, deceptive trade practices, and negligent misrepresentation. This firm has been recognized by Super Lawyers rising stars and strives to provide each client with the highest quality legal services.


Posted in Sherman Oaks, CA, Legal
From BCG Attorney Search - 1 month ago