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Mental health therapist - general application - (Oakland, CA)

WestCoast Children's Clinic provides high-quality and community-based mental health services to children (0-17), non-minor dependents and families who are either currently in the foster care system or are in transition in terms of housing or care. As a trauma-informed care agency, our focus includes advocacy and research in services for commercially and sexually exploited minors (CSEC), specifically in the assessment, identification and treatment. Services are provided out in the community or on site in Oakland (Fruitvale) and Hayward. We are seeking skilled mental health professionals with a heart for strengthening our communities of color, working from a trauma-informed and social justice lens to optimize the social and emotional wellbeing of children, youth and families. We value a team-based approach with a focus on personal and professional development, in an environment that encourages remaining open and curious about the intersectionality of race, gender, power and privilege.


Posted in Oakland, CA, Non-Profit
From Jobs-Search - 1 month ago