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IT Project Manager - Seattle - (Seattle, WA)

Job summary Owns and manages a component of a portfolio of technology-driven initiatives for a single business unitLOB partner. Typically aligned to a component of a business domain where responsible for management of a client business area in a component of its details technology-related activities. Directs lower-level managers or team leaders or directly manages a specialty function. Accountable for the creation and development of technology solutions appropriate to business needs and objectives, and oversees implementation of programs, projects or processes. Involved in the coordination of translating business strategy into work programs and processes. Works with partners to develop and drive technology solutions and business case development across functional groups or within a business domain. Often serves as a single point of contact and the escalation point between the clientbusiness area and internal IT management for the resolution of unresolved problems, complaints, and complex service requests.


Posted in Seattle, WA, Business & Management
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago