Customer Service Home Office - (Nampa, ID)
Work from home 100% on-line or offline. Includes family health plan, daily/ residual pay, Cadillac club car program, bonuses. You create your own flexible FT/PT schedule. NO cold calling, NO home parties, and NO inventory to stock. Full training, training tools, web sites, and on going support provided. Requires telephone (land line or cell), computer with internet access, and basic computer/internet/social media skills. You will telecommute in your local area or nationwide, reviewing our plans, taking application, answering questions, and/or helping your team of consultants with training and marketing. 2 positions to choose from; 1, Benefits Consultant, 2, Trainer. Review information Call/text Susan Mossbrucker Megill 856-462-XXXX for questions and interview.
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago