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Pharmacist - Long Term Care - Full-Time - (Jacksonville, FL)

Position details Job Summary: The Pharmacist is responsible for the continuation of pharmacy management's goals and objectives within the dispensing pharmacy. The pharmacist provides routine and emergency comprehensive and accurate drug screening, details, processing, and dispensing services for various drug distribution systems to the centers. Management expertise and accuracy are required to ensure that the appropriate drug product reaches the customer efficiently and safely. Required responsibilities: Execute day-to-day operations in the pharmacy as they pertain to workflow, production quotas, and deadlines. Ensure that the pharmacy is in compliance with all local, state, and federal rules and regulations regarding the practice of pharmacy. Assist in ensuring that the pharmacy is in compliance with all DEA policies and procedures as set forth by Omnicare or the regulatory agency, whichever is stricter.


Posted in Jacksonville, FL, Medical & Healthcare
From Professional Diversity Network - 1 month ago