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Civil Engineer - (Idaho Falls, ID)

Description: The Spent Fuel Handling Recapitalization Project (SFHP) is seeking civil engineers for a Department of Energy (DOE) Major Construction Project (MCP) to replace aging infrastructure for spent nuclear fuel handling. Apply today to join a team that will position the Naval Reactors program for continued success for the next 50 years! Successful applicants willbe members of the engineering team responsible for technical qualifications input, design reviews, and compliance to approved designs for the final design and construction of a new Spent Fuel Handling Facility. This project is currently in the final design phase. Qualifications: Advanced: * BS degree in engineering or Bachelor's degree in a science related position from an accredited college or university and a min of 4 years relevant background; or * MS degree in engineering or Master's degree in a science related position from an accredited college or university and a min of 2 yrs relevant


Posted in Idaho Falls, ID, Architecture & Engineering
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago