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Looking for work as a Training Specialist/Recruiter and/or Benefits Specialist. - (San Antonio, TX)

In need of Dental and/or Medical Benefits, can obtain for $24.95 per month for entire household, covers everyone under your roof, even if they are not related to you. Visit www.mhhockley.savewithdiscounthealthcare.com. Also, hiring Training Specialists/Recruiters and/or Benefits Specialists to work with the Largest Healthcare Benefits Company nationwide. Our company has an A+ BBB rating and been recognized on a national level since 1992. We have highly trained professional leaders to train the person that lands this position. Must have passion in helping others. 100% home based career opportunity. No background necessary. Must have computer, internet access and phone to attended live conference calls, view recorded audios and attend training sessions. Dental and/ Medical Benefits available for entire household. P/T or F/T positions available with adjustable hours. Listen to careers presentation overview at 760-569-XXXX for detailed info about our company. Call/text 210-350-XXXX to schedule an interview.


Posted in San Antonio, TX, Education
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago