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Non-Commissioned Security Officer - (San Antonio, TX)

Full time or part time positions available. Flexible scheduling possible. Added benefits of being a full time employee include: Career advancement opportunities. Potential $0.25 raise EVERY 90 days for 1st year of employment. Professional Security Training. Responsibilities of a Non-Commissioned Security Officer Include: Conducting foot and vehicle patrols through parking lots and other areas of the property to monitor for damage, criminal activity, etc. Conducting foot patrols of courtyards, management offices, pools, and/or other corridors to ensure that the property is safe of any illegal or inappropriate activity, as well as take preventative actions to protect the property of the residents. Monitoring the property for suspicious activity which could include unauthorized vehicles, vehicle that have been broken into, trespassers or people loitering, trash and lighting issues, or other items that are not normal to that property.


Posted in San Antonio, TX, Government
From The Resumator - 1 month ago