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Part Time and Full Time Stylist wanted - (Minneapolis, MN)

Twisted Hare Salon is located in South Minneapolis and is seeking recent graduates for our apprenticeship program as well as experienced stylists for our salon. If you would be interested we offer an advanced training program dedicated to working with all textures of curly hair. We offer competitive commission rates, advanced education, and professional development credits to use to further your skills. Hairdressers applying for a stylist position need to possess at min 1 year of salon background beyond cosmetology school and must be available evenings and weekends. Apprentice stylists must be graduated from cosmetology school and have their cosmetology license. Apprenticeship will entail hands on education, assisting and client days. Please email your introductory letter and resume or drop off in person during our regular business hours. Twisted Hare Salon


Posted in Minneapolis, MN, Salon & Fitness
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago