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Building Engineer III The Worthington Renaissance Fort Worth Hotel 15000U36 - (Fort Worth, TX)

Normal 0 false false false ENUS XNONE XNONE / Style Definitions / table.MsoNormalTable msostylename"Table Normal" msotstylerowbandsize0 msotstylecolbandsize0 msostylenoshowyes msostylepriority99 msostyleparent"" msopaddingalt0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt msoparamargin0in msoparamarginbottom.0001pt msopaginationwidoworphan fontsize10.0pt fontfamily"Calibri","sansserif" Share what inspires you, and helpothers discover the world as you go. Explore, uncover, share, inspire. AtRenaissance Hotels. The Worthington Renaissance Fort WorthHotel is currently hiring aBuilding Engineer III. Building Engineer III Respond and attend to guest repairrequests. Communicate with guests/customers to resolve maintenance issues withlittle to no supervision. Perform preventive maintenance on tools andequipment, including cleaning and lubrication. Visually inspect tools, equipment,or machines. Carry equipment e.g., tools, radio. Identify, locate, andoperate all shutoff valves for equipment.


Posted in Fort Worth, TX, Architecture & Engineering
From Wisestep - 1 month ago