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91H Track Vehicle Repairer - (Paragould, AR)

AGE QUALIFICATIONS: Must be between the ages of seventeen and 35 Be the 1 that helps the Army National Guard stay on track as a Track Vehicle Repairer. Your foremost role will be to perform maintenance on track vehicles, and supervise activities that include fuel and electrical system repair. In this role, you will expand your mechanical skillset, and work on motorized track vehicle components like carburetors, transmissions, diesel power plants/packs, and other electrical systems. Position assignments • Repair diesel power plants/packs, compression ignition engine fuel systems, and compression ignition air induction systems • Fix vehicle air cooling systems and vehicle liquid cooling systems, and track hull electrical systems and automatic transmission assemblies • Service track vehicle cross drive transmission assemblies, transfer assemblies


Posted in Paragould, AR, Government
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago