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Consultative Real Estate Sales Agent - (Queen Creek, AZ)

Consultative Real Estate Sales Agent Job Description A Consultative Real Estate Sales Agent is a personable and customer service oriented real estate agent who walks various clients through one of the most substantial transactions they will ever make. This career is multi-faceted and offers the agent the opportunity to act as a sales professional, marketing expert, customer service manager, contract negotiator and client advocate. Every day in real estate is new, exciting and different than the previous day, so the Consultative Real Estate Sales Agent is best suited to those who like change and flexibility. Job Responsibilities Market and advertise all homes in your real estate portfolio to get the best visibility possible Consult with clients throughout the real estate sales process Create and distribute marketing materials that advertise your real estate sales services Be an expert in your community's real estate market so you can consult with credibility and expertise Communicate in a timely manner


Posted in Queen Creek, AZ, Sales
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago