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Building Engineer - Plumbing and HVAC - (Fort Washington, PA)

Building Engineer - Plumbing and HVAC RESPONSIBILITIES Utilizes advanced skills to perform complex preventive maintenance and corrective repair of buildings, industrial systems, vehicles, equipment and grounds. Working under limited supervision, monitors building system operations and performance. Utilizes several trade skills such as plumbing, HVAC, electrical, carpentry, painting, and roofing. ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Complies with all applicable codes, regulations, governmental agency and Company directives related to building operations and work safety. Performs general preventive maintenance, repair, testing, installation, and troubleshooting of plumbing and mechanical systems, water, medical gas supply and other distribution systems throughout the facility. Inspects building systems including fire alarms, HVAC, and plumbing to ensure operation of equipment is within design capabilities and achieves environmental conditions prescribed by client.


Posted in Fort Washington, PA, Architecture & Engineering
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago