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Intermediate BMD Systems Engineer - (King George, VA)

Intermediate BMD Systems Engineer Innovation is a critical difference of our organization Our organization takes pride in our innovative capabilities and spirit, and we owe it to the inventive minds of our employees. There isn't a moment during the working day when someone in our organization is not engaged in refining our methods or renewing our strategies. Working for us you will be able to stretch the legs of your imagination and contribute with fresh ideas to create new ways for us to meet our goals. We invite you to bring your inventiveness and join a crew of dedicated professionals whose purpose is achieving our highest potential for innovation while we break grounds in our field. Responsibilities: Applicant will be responsible for requirements and interface determination for the Standard Missile three series as they translate to various Foreign Military Sales (FMS) cases. The applicant also needs to be familiar with the operations and engineering aspects of the Standard Missile Family.


Posted in King George, VA, IT & software development
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago