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Buyer - (Owatonna, MN)

Job summary:Function: The Buyer is responsible for the procurement of materials, supplies, equipment, and services consistent with the quality, quantity, and cost requirements for Viracon. The Buyer coordinates Viracon inventories with Warehouse, Central Stores, and department personnel. The buyer also monitors inventory levels to expedite or move out deliveries, and identifies excess or obsolete material. Finally, the Buyer identifies and resolves problems with suppliers related to inventory, invoicing and credits. Essential Position duties: Creates, issues, and maintains Purchase Orders for their respective commodities. Works closely with the Logistics department to ensure effective and efficient use of Logistics and Receiving resources. Proactively identifies potential supply chain issues. Resolves invoicing, claims, credit, and receiving issues with suppliers and internal departments. Participates in price and contract negotiations.


Posted in Owatonna, MN, Manufacturing
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago