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Real estate agent / Realtor at Flair Realty downtown West Palm Beach - (West Palm Beach, FL)

Job summary Must have an active real estate license in good standing or an inactive license that ca be activated. Our downtown office is looking for 1 or two agents to work our surplus leads. Approx buyer 25:30 exclusive leads or more per month per agent. Lots of walk:ins, busy boutique store:front trendy location near Clematis. All leads will be provided for you at no cost. Make between 75k:200k per year working our leads. 100 commission plans available. Looking for full-time, dedicated agents with a desire to make money. Youll be expected to follow up leads within five minutes with a phone call. Youll be provided with all tools necessary to run your business and succeed but you must do the work. If you are eager to work and make money, we will keep you busy. We are not a conventional brokerage that promises leads based on name or Trademark. We invest tons of money in marketing. Were a small team. Leads are ethically distributed automatically on a round robin system, regardless of value.


Posted in West Palm Beach, FL, Real Estate
From Tip Top Job - 1 month ago