Interviewing Now for Part Time Sales Reps - $17.00 base-appt. - (Fort Worth, TX)
Interviewing Now for Part-time Sales RepsOur local offices have entry level openings in customer sales to fill immediately. No background is necessary as we provide simple but effective training. The position entails working with new customers face to face and servicing our existing customers as well. We have part-time schedules available and are sensitive to school schedules as we have great background working with students.Benefits• Excellent pay - Great base pay to start with an opportunity to earn more based on performance.• Solid training - Previous background is welcome, but NOT necessary.• Flexible hours - Schedules (both full-time and part-time) are able to be arranged around school, work, and family commitments. • Choice of location - Training takes place in our main office but reps are able to work locally - in some cases, even remotely.
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago