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Hiring all positions, no experience needed - (Omaha, NE)

The U.S. Army is 1 of the most diverse career training institutions in the United States, with support for thousands of jobs in more than 150 career fields. Through the Army Medical Department alone, a Soldier could train to become a family doctor, a dentist, a nurse, a veterinarian, or a surgeon among a plethora of other medical specialties. Are you interested in law, computer programming, logistics, public affairs, aviation, or financial managing? The Army provides training for all of those careers and many, many more.The U.S. Army offers the opportunity to immediately train and work in an in-demand career field while earning a competitive pay and fringe benefits, including healthcare and money for college.The U.S Army also offers:Comprehensive health careGenerous vacation timeFamily services and support groupsSpecial pay for special dutiesCash allowances to cover the cost of livingRetirement 401K30 Day Vacation earned annuallyUP TO A $40,000 SIGNING BONUSGeneral Requirements Include:You must be a U.S.


Posted in Omaha, NE, Government
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago