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Loan Forgiveness, Low Call near Charlotte - (Hickory, NC)

Neurology opening in Hickory, North Carolina. This and other physician jobs brought to you by Western North Carolina is seeking a Neurologist to join their non-profit hospital. This medical center is located just 60 minutes northwest of Charlotte and 60 minutes from the NC mountains. The practice opportunity is 50% inpatient / 50% outpatient. This environment offers fully supportive and engaged administration and a comprehensive treatment team.Hospital Employee, Outpatient or Traditional. Minimal Call Ratio. Income Guarantee. Production Incentives available. Loan Forgiveness possible. Signing Bonus possible, contact us for info. Relocation Bonus available. CME up to 1 week and $5,000 available. Keyphrases: neurology jobs, neurophysiology technologist jobs, neurology critical care jobs, neurologist jobs, pediatric neurology jobs


Posted in Hickory, NC, Accounting & Finance
From ListedBuy - 1 month ago