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Cloud Engineer - (Boulder, CO)

Company Overview Position details Fanatics is looking for an Engineer, working on our Cloud team! The Cloud team handles things like: Kubernetes, Consul, Vault, Terraform, CI & CD, and bless. We support many engineers & teams, and build tools to scale ourselves out. In the past few years, we've moved the majority of our web traffic to our cloud-based platform. Our data team is dependent upon processing large sets for their tools. Over the next few years, the number of engineers & applications that depend upon us will grow. We need to stay ahead of them, providing reliable services, tooling, and infrastructure. We are continuing to build our team with forward-thinking, creative and talented engineers. What you'll be doing: You'll be designing & implementing solutions for difficult problems. Examples include: Fanatics-specific ACME, Bless, and other similar implementations Terraform modules that abstract complexity away from our consumers K8s charts Gitops-based deployment of services like Consul & Vault


Posted in Boulder, CO, Architecture & Engineering
From Professional Diversity Network - 1 month ago